No matter if you are a businessman or social activists, you should never stop recognizing humanity – Aamir Pathan
New Delhi, [India]: The mystery of change, they say, is to focus all your energy not on battling the old but rather on building the new. Social change begins with an individual and can gradually transform the fabric of society. What’s more, even though we may criticize many ground realities in India, the fact remains that various people are being the change they wish to see in the world. What’s more, slowly, over time, they are effecting a change.
Born in 1981 in Mumbai, Aamir Pathan is a social activist as well as President Lohiya Vahini Mumbai (Samajwadi Party). Aamir Pathan is a globally eminent social activist and politician who have effectively worked for the enforcement of children’s rights and education. He devoted his life to social welfare. Before being a Social worker, Aamir has a business in Building and Constructions.
As per information from the International Labor Organization (ILO), more than 10 million children in India are indulging in different forms of child labor. Also, over 42 million children don’t go to school. Issues of child labor are often overlooked, and many children keep on being exploited and lose the opportunities to have better lives. Social activist Aamir Pathan has been determined to affect as many lives as he could. That is exactly what Aamir Pathan wants to change with his work.
Each human is entitled to basic human rights unfortunately, there are a few sections of the society – be it minorities, women and children, or the LGBTQ people community – who face battles every day to live a life of dignity. There is not a single day without reports of grave human rights abuses in countries everywhere in the world, including India. There are, however, a few individuals who are battling against all types of discrimination and defending vulnerable communities to help them in every way possible way.
In September 2019, he also led a rally with MILLI TAHREEK FOUNDATION– ABU ASIM AZMI FOUNDER MLAand people from Mumbai to protest against the Illegal sales and consumption of Drugs that have covered different area in Mumbai. Such initiatives are much needed at present when innovation has infiltrated our lives.
In the present time, we might be having lesser information on social issues, what’s going on around us and what new issues have been developed in society now. But the Activist has good information on all the issues, Who can raise different issues against the ruling government under constitutional means.
A Social Activist has to fights for some issues, for example, Child labor, the Right to education and Child abuse, and so on. A Social activist takes part in the promotion, facing unique social difficulties through established methods. In any case, for effective advocacy or social activism, a lot will rely upon the socio-political environment in which social activists should operate. Aamir was known for raising his voice against social and political issues and a well-known social activist who worked for various issues such as – Drug-Free Campaign, Human Rights.
Aamir is also a member of the Drug-Free Campaign to create awareness to the people who consume more tobacco and can be identified and taken to devoted medical care centers for treatment even as information on the sale and purchase of tobacco, drugs, and narcotics is observed by the members of the campaign. It is an important social cause. The district-level committee established for the drug-free India campaign will deal with important aspects and areas, for example, identifying depending population, focusing on guiding and treatment facilities in hospitals and rehabilitation centers. People will be aware of this campaign, while information about the harm from tobacco will be imparted during the campaign.
Activists live with the spirit, love, and having humane attributes for individuals without interfering in belief, religion, caste, creed that makes people globally worthwhile. People must be moderate and rational to explain genuine concerns for issues. Recognizing is the valuable character of the Activist. Social issues are inevitable in society and they will remain to occur.
He believes that one needs to be a part of the system to clean it up with this realization; he decided to step into social activities to work for the upliftment of society and joined some renowned NGO’s like Hindi Salakar Samithi, Nasha Mukt Sanstha, Human Rights Organization, and Citizen Vigilance Committee.
Aamir is highly active and much knowledgeable in addressing social issues as per the constitutional norms to higher levels who can make a perception on time for finding out the solutions. There are various issues in society that are developing at an alarming rate; like this, Aamir aims to highlight the issue before any social disaster.
He also worked during COVID -19 and was one of those who showed vigilance and was beyond their lines of duty to ensure that relief should be there for needy persons and there should be safety concerns of the general public.
Aamir imagines that society can progress in each perspective that would give birth to such active members who have cultural emotions, consideration, respectability, and hope for positive change. One cannot be a Social Activist until and except if He/She has a humanistic and developmental approach for the society.
Tags: aamirpathan, abuazmi, lohiyavahini
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