Shri Ramkrishna Charitable Trust managed Shri V.N. Godhani English Medium School, Surat, has achieved 100% results in both Science and Commerce streams of Class 12. On Thursday, 09/05/2024, as per the results declared by the Gujarat Education Board, 33% of students have secured A1 and A2 grades in Science, while 65% of students have secured A1 and A2 grades in Commerce.
The students of VNG School have brought glory to the institution by obtaining outstanding results. In recognition of this achievement, the Chairman of the school trust and Member of Parliament, Smt. Govind Dholakia, has extended congratulations to dedicated students, enlightened and knowledgeable teachers, and supportive parents, while also sending best wishes for the bright future of the children.
In the Science stream, Gauri Erikgiri has scored 100 marks and achieved an A1 grade in Mathematics. Similarly, in the General stream, Cheshaji Bhadani has secured 100 marks in SPCC, Dharmeshbhai Viththani has achieved 100 marks in Commerce Management, and Neel Kalpeshkumar Modi has obtained an A2 grade with 100 marks in Economics.
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